I provide safe, nonjudgmental, and authentic therapy services.

As a PsyPact member, I provide counseling in-person in Greensboro, North Carolina, and online in 34 other PsyPact states.

IVF egg extraction; Therapy for Infertility and Third-Party Reproduction Support

Trauma. That’s why infertility is. And it’s a trauma you live over and over again with every monthly cycle, birth announcement, holiday you imagined celebrating as a mom, or question if you plan on having children. It’s excruciating, and it can seem like there’s absolutely no hope. But I’m here to offer you hope through compassionate, caring fertility counseling and support.

Together, we’ll explore your goals, desires, and emotions, as well as your options, all in an authentic and affirming environment. And if you need third-party reproduction support, I’m here to walk you through the thinking process so you can make the right decision for your family, whatever decision that may be.

So you got pregnant. Now what?! I’ll tell you what – it’s not all unicorns and rainbows, that’s for sure. The rose-colored glasses the world views pregnancy through is a load of you-know-what sometimes. Pregnancy is messy, unpredictable, challenging, and exhausting. That’s the reality of it.

Maybe you struggle with guilt and shame from some of the thoughts you have about being pregnant. Perhaps you had a traumatic birth experience. Or maybe you just can’t seem to dig yourself out of a bottomless, dark pit of depression or anxiety. Whatever you’re feeling or thinking, no matter what it is, it’s real, and you need a shoulder to cry on and a professional to guide you through it.

New born feet wrapped in a blanket
Group of succulent and a clock on a table for therapy for General Mental Health and Well-Being Therapy

It’s easy to get stuck in unhealthy thinking and behavior patterns, watching the world pass you by. Anxiety, depression, disordering eating, trauma – it all robs you of the joy you so deserve. Your life is beautiful. You just need to get unstuck to see it.

I’ll help you work through the stuck so you can find your joy again and live the value-driven life you desire.

Steps to Working With Me

There’s no better time to start working with me than right now.

I don’t want to make your life any more complicated than it already is, so I make the process simple! Whether you choose to work with me in person or through online therapy in North Carolina (or another PsyPact state), I can typically get you scheduled within a week or two.

Contact Me

Just fill out the brief form on my contact page. Or you can schedule your initial appointment online!

Complete Intake Paperwork

You know the drill. Paperwork is necessary! If you need a release for your fertility clinic, let me know!

Engage in Your First Appointment

Get the jitters out! We’ll get a feel for one another and the landscape, discuss goals, and build rapport.

Work Together

If we’re a good fit and we’ve discussed and agreed on the work ahead, we’ll start the therapy practice together.

Are You Ready to Get Started?

Then let’s do this! My door is open, and I’ve saved the comfiest seat for you. Schedule your initial appointment and begin in-person therapy with me in Greensboro, NC, or online therapy in any of the PsyPact States.